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FAA27200110:   (27200110) Mechanical: Post Maintenance Functional Tests

FAA27200110 Cancelled
(27200110) Mechanical: Post Maintenance Functional Tests
BB-WBT 2020-01-02
This course explains FAA Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-18, Post-Maintenance Checks and Tests. It also describes the purpose of post maintenance functional tests and/or checks relative to the transport airplane certification process; the meaning of maintenance tasks and criteria by which post maintenance functional checks and tests should be called out; and, the principles by which manufacturers should develop a process that can be presented to the Aircraft Certification Office/Organization Designation Authorization as part of the data needed to show compliance to specific regulations. GOALS: At the end of this course the participant should be able to: Identify the incidents that led to the development of FAA Policy Statement PS-ANM-25-18; Define the regulatory basis for PS-ANM-25-18, 14 CFR Part 25, 1529, 1729, and Appendix 1 and 6, page 1; Identify the purpose of PS-ANM-25-18; Define the implementation process as described in PS-ANM-25-18; Identify the checks and tests implementation examples; Define the checks and tests criteria, selection, and validation examples; Describe the company organizational structure and process location examples when submitting processes for concurrence; Define the content-selection process per PS-ANM-25-18; Identify the options for the submission process. Audience: Electrical, Flight Test, Mechanical, Propulsion, and Structures DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and Engineering and Flight Test OMT members. Online: 1.25 hour
AIR-100 AIR-100
BB-WBT 1.3


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322