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FAA43082001:   (43082001) AUTOMATION CONCEPTS

FAA43082001 Cancelled
COURSE 2015-08-19
Automation Concepts provides training for new hires and ATSSs new to Automation. The course is 32 hours Academy lecture and 88 hours lab. This course provides a minimum of lecture and maximum lab time. Lecture includes networking topics such as making hosts connect and communicate on a local area network; router topics such as connections, operations, and configuration of a router; and UNIX topics, including basic shell commands, files, file permissions, startup, services, and the X-windows system. A laboratory-centric approach is used to present basic networking, router, and UNIX concepts and skills, and making hosts connect and communicate on a local area network. Router topics covered are operations and configuration. UNIX topics covered are basic shell commands, files, file permissions, startup, services, and X-windows. The student will be provided with an approved formula sheet to aid during testing. The exams in this course are administered using the clean testing format; students are provided with, and can only use the FAA Handbooks, Schematics, TIBs, formula sheets, Troubleshooting guides, and submitted errata sheets for reference during exams. Students are not allowed to use notes, student guides, or lab guides.
AMA-422 AMA-422
12 10/20/2016


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322